For estimating the
cost of the structure, it is necessary for the quantities of the
materials, including those of the reinforcement to be known. Accurate
quantities of the concrete and brickwork can be calculated from the
layout drawings. If working drawings and schedules for the reinforcement
are not available it is necessary to provide an estimate of the
anticipated quantities. The quantities are normally described in
accordance with the requirements of the
Standard method of measurement of building works.
In the case of reinforcement quantities the basic requirements are:
Bar reinforcement should be described separately by steel type (e.g.
mild or high-yield steel), diameter and weight and divided up according
(a) Element of structure, e.g. foundations, slabs, walls, columns, etc., and
(b) Bar ‘shape’, e.g. straight, bent or hooked; curved; links, stirrups and spacers.
Fabric (mesh) reinforcement should be described separately by steel
type, fabric type and area, divided up according to 1(a) and 1(b) above.

There are different
methods for estimating the quantities of reinforcement;, three methods of varying accuracy are:
Method-1 for Reinforcement Estimation
simplest method is based on the type of structure and the volume of the
reinforced concrete elements. Typical values are, for example:
• Warehouses and similarly loaded and proportioned structures: 1 tonne of reinforcement per 105m
• Offices, shops, hotels: 1 tonne per 13.5m
• Residential, schools: 1 tonne per 15.05m
while this method is a useful check on the total estimated quantity it
is the least accurate, and it requires considerable experience to break
the tonnage down to Standard Method of Measurement requirements.
Method-2 for Reinforcement Estimation
method is to use factors that convert the steel areas obtained from the
initial design calculations to weights, e.g. kg/M
2 or kg/m as appropriate to the element.
the weights are divided into practical bar diameters and shapes, this
method give a reasonably accurate assessment. The factors, however, do
assume a degree of standardization both of structural form and
This method is likely to be the most flexible and
relatively precise in practice, as it is based on reinforcement
requirements indicated by the initial design calculations.
Method-3 for Reinforcement Estimation:
For this method sketches are made for the ‘typical’ cases of elements and then weighted.
This method has the advantages that:
(a) The sketches are representative of the actual structure
(b) The sketches include the intended form of detailing and distribution of main and secondary reinforcement
(c) An allowance of additional steel for variations and holes may be made by inspection.
method can also be used to calibrate or check the factors described in
method 2 as it takes account of individual detailing methods.
When preparing the reinforcement estimate, the following items should be considered:
(a) Laps and starter bars
reasonable allowance for normal laps in both main and distribution bars
and for starter bars has shall be considered. It should however be
checked if special lapping arrangements are used.
(b) Architectural features
drawings should be looked at and sufficient allowance made for the
reinforcement required for such ‘non-structural’ features.
(c) Contingency
A contingency of between 10% and 15% should be added to cater for some changes and for possible omissions.